
CEO Andrew Anagnost Overcomes Early Adversity to Lead Autodesk

For Andrew Anagnost, CEO of ubiquitous design and engineering software company Autodesk, it’s been a long journey with an unlikely beginning. Anagnost grew up in Van Nuys, California, and initially dropped out of high school. But with the help of his family, he ended up reenrolling, graduating, and studying mechanical engineering at California State University, Northridge…

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Roberto Azevêdo Jumps WTO Ship for Sweeter Job

Roberto Azevêdo had a big year in 2020. First, the career diplomat surprised many when he announced his intentions to step down as the World Trade Organization’s sixth Director-General, a year ahead of schedule. A few months later, any confusion regarding this bold move was soon replaced with collective comprehension…

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Dispatches From George Colony’s Basement

Widely considered to be one of the most influential thought leaders in the world of business and technology, George Colony is the Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Forrester Research. In 1983, Colony founded Forrester in his basement. At the time, he was based in Cambridge, Massachusetts…

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Slack CTO and the Art of Creating Accidental Empires

Originally from England, Cal Henderson is best known as the Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at Slack, the popular messaging app company that was acquired by Salesforce in 2021 for $27.7 billion. A software engineer at heart, Henderson is now removed from daily coding duties, but he remains a vital figure in Slack’s ongoing success…

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The Top 25 Executives of Houston for 2023

Key Executives is pleased to announce The Top 25 Executives of Houston for 2023. Houston is a major corporate center. While the region is known globally for its role in the aerospace and energy industries, its economy is strengthened by several other sectors, including medicine, finance, agriculture, transportation, and trade…

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Globant’s Martín Migoya Makes Latin American History

An entrepreneur since his early youth, Martín Migoya is a Co-founder and the Chief Executive Officer of Globant, the first software development company from Latin America to go public with an IPO on the New York Stock Exchange. The seed of Migoya’s success story started germinating in the 1990s, shortly after he graduated from college…

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